Friday, January 22, 2010

Night time drawing

Last Night, just before I went to bed, I did a few drawings, nothing much just a few small ones.

Unfortunately my scanner doesn't catch all the very light strokes so it looks like some parts are missing (like the "bug"'s right arm)

Take a look.

Take care.


  1. Wow I Just found your Blog, its cool and you are only 17 ;D Which school do you go to?

  2. Hey, Thanks a lot mate.

    I just finished my fundemental course as multimedia animator at roskilde technical school.
    But honestly, I did not really find the school very satisfying.
    I'm going back to Truemax(I took the fundementals course autumn 2008) and start at their digital artist education this september.

    So, I have to use the next 6 months to earn some money and find a new bank worth talking to(if that exits in these times).
