Thursday, January 19, 2012


Hey everyone.

Just want to throw some news out there.

I am currently working a project in my school with almost the whole class working together.
We are making a trailer for a fictional  movie called kadavermarch (zombie march).

The original book is a danish teenage horror book by dennis jürgensen.

Coverart for kadavermarch

We should really have been working for some directors  at the national filmschool of Denmark, but most of my class found the pitches they showed us either too bad/weird or lacking fun work to do.
So instead a guy from my class came up with the idea for this project.
and thanks a lot for that Martin!

We have 6 weeks to do it all from concept to finished product.
With just 2 weeks left we are working as hard as we can to get this done in time for the deadline.
tommorow (friday), we are starting the first renders so we hopefully can start compositing when we meet monday.

My first job on this production has been modelling and texturing of one of the 2 main characters.
He is called Sid and he is a real badass,  just killin' them zombies all the time. He even carry a milecounter around to count the numbers of zombies he has slayed.
secondly I've done some prop modelling and set dressing, which I am working on now.
My 2 biggest props is a bus that crashed into a building in the beginning of the trailer and a generic car for some background stuff in the same scene as the bus.

I am looking forward to start putting it all together the next 2 weeks.

Keep an eye out I will show some of the stuff I have done in the next few weeks.

till' then have fun

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